Nurturing Mother & Baby PLUS

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What People Say

“I am so happy I decided to get my placenta encapsulated third time around. It made such an enormous difference to my emotional wellbeing and energy levels in the postpartum period. I genuinely felt really, really well and managed to avoid the infamous day 3 dip altogether. I would 100% recommend using Amanda and indeed tell all my clients about her; she was professional, friendly and managed a super-fast turnaround. If I ever have another baby I'm going to give the smoothie a go!"

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“The placenta pills are great - I notice they really help balance out my hormones (I didn't take them one day and felt quite emotional and overwhelmed) I've got more energy and my blood loss is nothing compared to what o had with my daughter. Also on days my son is feeding more I up the pills to two, 3 times a day and really feel the difference. I will definitely be recommending you to any of my friends who fall pregnant in the future.”

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Any advice or information provided by Placenta Practice, including any of its employees, regarding Placenta Encapsulation is based on experience, research where available, documentation and client testimonials from mothers who have used placenta remedies for their post-partum recovery. However Placenta Practice does not guarantee benefits of Placenta Remedies. Placenta Practice is not a medical body and do not claim to treat, cure or relieve any symptoms in pregnancy, birth or post-birth. None of the products Placenta Practice produces should be seen as medicines. Placenta Practice recommends you seek advice from your GP or midwife if you have any problems with your pregnancy, birth or post-birth recovery. Clients who choose to use the services of Placenta Practice take full responsibility for their own health and for researching and using the remedies we provide.
