Traditional Chinese Capsules


What People Say

I can see from Instagram Placenta Practice is busier than ever which is brilliant. Just wanted to let you know how well I have felt since the birth of the twins, my recovery has been great and I am managing to breastfeed both babies, I have no doubt that my placenta capsules have contributed to this. Thank you for such a hassle free and professional service.

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I just wanted to say a massive thank you for your service and support. Approaching the birth of our little girl I had the added confidence I needed knowing I would be benefiting from my very own placenta. Giving myself and our daughter the best start to our journey. I've felt mostly fantastic since having her, and I am certain I have you and the placenta pills to thank for that.

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Any advice or information provided by Placenta Practice, including any of its employees, regarding Placenta Encapsulation is based on experience, research where available, documentation and client testimonials from mothers who have used placenta remedies for their post-partum recovery. However Placenta Practice does not guarantee benefits of Placenta Remedies. Placenta Practice is not a medical body and do not claim to treat, cure or relieve any symptoms in pregnancy, birth or post-birth. None of the products Placenta Practice produces should be seen as medicines. Placenta Practice recommends you seek advice from your GP or midwife if you have any problems with your pregnancy, birth or post-birth recovery. Clients who choose to use the services of Placenta Practice take full responsibility for their own health and for researching and using the remedies we provide.
